Electrical Hazards & Copper Theft
Some States are finding that the use of an AASHTO compliant Pole Cable Distribution System (PCDS) not only reduces the risk of electrical shock to maintenance crews, rescue personnel, and the public; but is thwarting highway copper thieves after the precious metal inside their lighting systems.
Safety Alert
As we begin 2017 many state department of transportation’s (DOT’s) are still just now becoming familiar with the recent publication from AASHTO - Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals – 2001. This section states the requirements to ensure predictable and safe displacement of the breakaway support.

Knowledge for a Safer, more Cost effective, and Easily Maintained Lighting System
Welcome to AASHTO Safe. This site is dedicated to bringing knowledge and awareness to State DOTs, FHWA, Municipalities, Utility Companies, Electrical Engineers, and the general public on ways to improve safety and reduce liability associated with Roadway and Commercial Lighting Systems, while reducing cost and improving ease of maintenance.